How Does R13 Enhance Sample Management and Increase Press Coverage?


R13 & Launchmetrics

R13 was founded in New York City in 2009 as an artisanal denim brand that has since expanded into an elevated ready-to-wear collection and footwear line. Today, R13 represents the classics of American fashion: denim, plaid, & leather, infused with a countercultural edge that recalls rebellious spirits from America’s history. The brand tells the story of the “other America,” the always provocative, underground culture that defines the zeitgeist of an era. This can be felt through the commitment to grunge motifs and elements of rock and roll, which are ubiquitous throughout every season.

R13's Challenge

Like many fashion brands facing demand, R13 experienced challenges with its sample tracking. Limited sample availability and inefficiencies were impeding the brand’s ability to maximize sample usage and facilitate growing sample requests. R13 soon became increasingly aware of the importance of strategic sample management.

The brand needed a more sophisticated overview (and holistic grasp) of sample activity, both internally (between its manufacturing station in Italy and press and sales teams at their HQ in New York) and externally (accommodating global sample requests). The brand’s core challenges included availability restrictions due to a high volume of requests, system scalability issues due to fluctuating demand, lack of a prioritization strategy for send-outs and, finally, an existing manual global distribution plan that wasn’t fit for purpose. R13’s needs were complex with no central database in place to track sample movements strategically. Processes were manual, leading to increased losses, with the previous sample tracking system being rendered inefficient and prone to error.

The Solution

After adopting Launchmetrics’ Samples solution, R13’s sample tracking system transformed. Several process enhancements, underpinned by Launchmetrics Samples, helped the team to gain full control of day-to-day tracking, removing the need for any arduous manual interference. 

Processes that were once siloed, such as tracking and individual email send-outs, are now unified, and tracked easily by PR and Sales teams in real-time. With the help of the features and functionalities of our tool, R13 can avoid unfulfilled requests and plan more proactively ahead of sample reservations, implementing a more transparent future-thinking approach. 

Instead of the team becoming lost in the noise of sample mismanagement, the smoother implemented process allowed R13 to better recognise and facilitate press opportunities that truly resonate with their brand goals and storytelling. By improving the brand’s sample tracking system, media and VIP relationships are strengthened as requests are dealt with swiftly and without delay. Workflows are now streamlined and PR opportunities are optimized, with quantified results per sample. R13 can view how much Media Impact Value™ (MIV®) each sample placement garners, to demonstrate the true value of a collection’s assets and subsequent press mentions.

The Result

  • Improved Efficiency & Workflows: Launchmetrics’ Samples capabilities, and comprehensive tracking streamlined operations, reducing administrative burden.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Teams can now assess sample strategy impact, analyze sample usage and make data-backed decisions to fuel future PR and marketing efforts.
  • Optimized PR Outreach: R13 achieved stronger relationships with influencers, celebrities, VIPs, and the media. The team can now identify the most appropriate coverage, giving them full control of their media narrative, and have increased global brand exposure.

“Launchmetrics Samples is a mainstay within the fashion industry…We were able to see our brand growing in various countries, leading us to pursue various projects to better suit our overall business strategy. Thanks to Launchmetrics Samples, our team can achieve a global impact which wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.”

Devon D
Public Relations Manager

Launchmetrics Solution Spotlight

Brand R13

Industry Fashion

Customer Since 2020